Working storage: MySQL, Redis, and EBS

Archivematica has two forms of working storage.

MySQL database: RDS

The MySQL database includes:

  • the processing config – what steps to run when

  • a record of all the tasks that Archivematica has performed

  • the Archivematica users and other settings

We use Amazon RDS as our MySQL database.

Task manager: Redis/ElastiCache

Archivematica uses a Redis instance to manage in-flight tasks (see Gearman, ElastiCache, and the MCP server/client for more details).

We use Amazon ElastiCache as our Redis instance.

Shared file system: EBS

Archivematica uses a shared file system to pass files between tasks. All the services have access to the same volume, so a service can say "get the file from path A" and another service can pick that up.

We use an EBS volume, which is mounted on the EC2 instance and shared between all the containers.

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