Contents of the Transcribe Wellcome dispersals table. A prototype demonstration for a virtual piecing together of the Wellcome collections' diaspora.
Example object identified from collection online.
Archives of the Knights of Malta (The Order of St. John)
Shabtis with Wellcome identifiers published in Watson, P. (2012) Catalogue of Inscribed Shabtis in Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. Birmingham Museums Trust.
Cuneiform tablets published in Watson, P.J. (1986) Catalogue of Cuneiform Tablets in Birmingham City Museum, volume 1. Warminster: Aris & Phillips.
Example Egyptology objects
Example object identified from photograph in Bristol's collections online
Example objects from the prehistory collections
Objects collected by Winifred Blackman in Egypt
Objects identified in as donated by Wellcome and originating from Benin City, including objects purchased from Hugh Nevin Nevins
Objects collected by M.D.W. Jeffreys in sub-Saharan Africa
Objects for which former Wellcome identifiers are recorded in Durham University Museums' internal collections management system. Catalogue records and some digitised images are available from Discover Durham Collections, but do not include Wellcome identifiers.
Objects for which former Wellcome identifiers are recorded in the Egypt Centre Online Collection
Objects for which former Wellcome identifiers have been researched by staff at the Fowler Museum, including some not currently included in the Digital Collection
Example objects identified from photographs available in the Horniman online catalogue
Example objects identified from photographs available online in the Hunterian online catalogue
Example objects identified from online catalogue entries.
Example objects identified from online catalogue entries, manually checked with transfer records
Example object identified from correspondence in file WA/HMM/CO/Chr/K.104
Example objects identified by museum staff at Liverpool
Example objects identified from photographs available in the UCL Petrie Collection Online Catalogue, including some manuscripts originally accessioned into the Wellcome library
Example objects, mostly collected by Winifred Blackman, identified from the Pitt Rivers Museum Database of Object Collections
Science Museum object numbers between A45 and A500529 inclusive for which an online record exists on (c.21,500 entries)
Science Museum object numbers between A600001 and A700043 inclusive for which an online record exists on (c.67,000 entries)
Science Museum part-numbered objects (/1 and Pt1 etc.) for which an online record exists on (c.5550 entries)
'B' loans to the Science Museum for which an online record exists on (c.900 entries)
21 objects (mostly casts of prehistoric material) gifted to Stroud Museum in 1982-1983.
Example objects identified from the Fitzwilliam beta release collection online
Example objects identified by staff at the Tropenmuseum
Example object identified by a member of teaching staff
Example object identified from the V&A's Explore the Collections
Early printed books for which accession numbers are recorded in Wellcome's internal collections management system. Catalogue records and digitised images are available from the Wellcome catalogue online, but do not include accession numbers
Selected manuscripts
Selected paintings and photographs