As part of Transcribe Wellcome, we are building a prototype demonstration for a virtual reunification of the 'Wellcome diaspora' - items loaned or gifted to other museums and libraries worldwide between Henry Wellcome's death in 1936 and 1982.
If you are a curator or researcher with an interest in former Wellcome material at another museum or library, we'd love to hear from you! Please get in touch at
We're particularly interested to hear more about:
Holdings of former Wellcome collections: lists of your object numbers with brief descriptions, and if possible, URLs for individual objects. Even single examples are helpful - every little counts!
Concordance data: however messy, connecting your object numbers to WHMM accession and/or registration identifiers. We're happy to help with data cleanup and standardisation.
Any Wellcome documentation in your possession as we try to understand more about the gaps in the archive we still hold: index cards, copies of registers, sales catalogues, object files, correspondence relating to the dispersal to your library or museum, etc.
Current lines of provenance research about specific objects, geographies or themes.